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Monday, September 15

Chinese city introduces the first smartphone sidewalk lane!

Roads with cycle lanes are normal but in the near future sidewalks you might see something different...
In the Chinese city of Chongqing, they have created the first sidewalk lane, for people who are using their phones while they are still walking!

We’ve all experienced the annoyance of walking in the vicinity of someone using their smartphone, atleast I did. Typical behavior includes walking all over the place, variations in speed or sudden stopping, bumping into you because they aren’t looking where they are going or talking loudly and gesturing wildly forcing you to get out of the way!

Chongqing has created the 50-meter long sidewalk lane to remind people that using your phone while walking is dangerous as you won't be concentrating on whats going on around you!

Such a lane, if it meant you could walk without having to navigate around smartphone users and therefore get to your destination more quickly, could prove popular in the more built up areas of the world. Not sure if the people would actually walk perfectly into that lane perfectly or accidentally switch the lane n cause same problem again lol


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