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Wednesday, August 20

Judge calls for ban of Secret app in Brazil!

A court case in Brazil has resulted issuing a preliminary injunction requiring Google to remove the 'Secret' app from the Play Store and remotely delete it from users' devices.

Secret is a social networking app that allows users to share pictures and text anonymously. It's become the hot new thing in some circles, but not everyone is happy about it.

The case stems from a complaint by a Secret user who says personal and sensitive information was posted on the service by an anonymous party. Brazilian law includes specific prohibitions against anonymous speech, which are intended to ensure people have the ability to refute accusations made against them in the public forum. Some lawyers and judges in Brazil have interpreted it more broadly, claiming there is no legal support for anonymous free expression in the country.

The judge specifically cited Secret's potential use in bullying and harassment as a reason for banning it. Google also has mechanisms in place to remove apps remotely, which has been employed in the past to pull malicious apps that made it into the Play Store. Well this only applies in Brazil, So u can keep your Secret app elsewhere.

It's not clear if Google will follow the court's ruling, but it will face fines of about $9,000 per day if it fails to do so.

Via  , Source

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