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Thursday, April 24

Mobile Internet Speeds are going to Increace - Trai

Relief is on the way for mobile internet customers who were fed up because of its very slow speed! Regulator Trai will soon fix a minimum speed that the telecom operators will have to provide for wireless data services.

Trai took up this decision as they had been receiving a huge number of complaints from consumers regarding the poor speed experienced by them. The Authority took the issue into consideration and came to a conclusion that there was a need to mandate the 'minimum download speed' for the wireless data services. There was no binding regulation on telecom operators as for now.
3G operators promise mobile Internet speed in the range of 7 Mbps to 21 Mbps. At 7 mbps speed, a mobile user should be able to download a full-length movie in around 12-14 minutes.
But in practical world, it takes around 40 minutes to download a file size equivalent to that of a movie on the best network.

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has found the minimum speed delivered by an operators doesn't even qualify to be called broadband. As broadband speed ranges from512 Kbps to 2.48 Mbps.
This is a serious issue.I dont know how the operators distribute the bandwidths.The top companies provide a fair speed around 30 Kbps with some extra bucks but some others provide a dead low speed at 10 Kbps at normal rates. So low that i could hardly even use it.
I swiched to 3G after then and got speeds upto 300 Kbps, in this scenario the speed is fine but comes with a heavy charge. This is not just my case, thousands of consumers suffer this problem everyday.
The regulator is of the view that the minimum download speed for 3G service should be 1 Mbps with 95% success rate. For 2G the minimum speed should be at 56 Kbps.

Trai has sought public views on its consultation by May 5 and counter comments on it by May 12.
Finally some real good step by Trai.

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