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Saturday, June 28

Airship flies above NSA data center in Utah, saying “Illegal Spying Below”

Greenpeace flew its 135-foot-long thermal airship over the National Security Agency's Utah data center on Friday morning, featuring a slogan, "Illegal Spying Below," painted on a downward pointing arrow!
This stunt was meant to highlight the diversity of groups pushing against the widespread government surveillance that was revealed last year. The environmental group Greenpeace was joined by the Tenth Amendment Center, which pushes for states' rights, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).

This blimp actually advertised a newly launched website, StandAgainstSpying.org, created by a 22-organization array of political, press, and activist groups from across the political spectrum.

Using data from the Sunlight Foundation, the website assigns each member of Congress an A through F grade on how well they've voted to rein in the NSA. US residents can punch in their address to see what grade their representatives and senators get.

The site is also gathering signatures for an electronic petition urging President Barack Obama to "take immediate steps to end mass spying."
"Rights rise or fall together," said Greenpeace Senior IT Campaigner Gary Cook.

The Bluffdale, Utah data center has been the focus of activists' efforts in the past. Earlier this year, the Tenth Amendment Center started urging states to deny services, including water & electricity to facilities used in domestic spying.
Recently released records show the Bluffdale facility has used between 2.8 and 6.2 million gallons of water per month. Seems to cool their mighty machines that heats up while the spy on you! #crazyshit!


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