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Friday, April 11

Microsoft introduces Cortana for WP 8.1

Cortana is the new personal digital assistant for Windows Phone 8.1. This is kinda a Microsoft's answer to Apple's Siri  and Google Now for Android.

Cortana will ship as a feature of Windows Phone 8.1 in the coming month. Microsoft announced and demonstrated the new technology, emerging from the company's Bing platform division, at Build, the company's annual developer conference, where attendees had an opportunity to get more knowledge abt this personal assistant from Microsoft.

Windows Phone only enjoys only 3.3% worldwide marketshare but still below iOS at 15.2% and Android at 78.6% who has voice assistants, Cortana may well give the Windows Phone bragging rights on their personal assistant.

Cortana began 18 months ago as a collaboration between Microsoft's Windows Phone and Bing group. Bing already had all of Cortana's key pieces, like visual recognition and the ability to make inferences. Microsoft just needed to build a platform to bring it together.

Microsoft has also been working on speech recognition, using deep neural networks (DNN) to accomplish pattern recognition based on the way human brains process information. Waveforms are translated into bits and given to a speech recognition system, where natural language processing starts to make inferences about the user's intentions.Here with Cortana, most of the processing happens in the cloud, but there is also some on-device speech recognition and information processing.

The combination of speech recognition, the use of DNNs, entity understanding, and inference comes together in a powerful way.
Cortana appears on the home screen as Windows Live Tile, but like Google Now, it is also powered through the device search function.

Lets how Cortana helps Windows to rise their hold in the market.
Find more features in detail from the Source link below.


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