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Thursday, April 10

Most Trusted Brand Poll Results

Today morning I was surfing through the web and landed on the site 'Techtree'. So there was this a public poll, they asked to vote for "Which brand do you trust the most" and the options were — Apple, HTC, Micromax, Nokia, LG, Samsung, and Sony.

Well I voted for Nokia and up came the results..There was a clear winner
Almost 11 thousand people voted for the poll, Nokia had 38% which was great as it was my trusted brand too. It was followed by Samsung with 21 % votes which is a beast in the smartphone industry. Seems that Nokias great past helped alot with this.
But whats surprising is that Micromax scores third spot with 11% along with Apple. I myself haven't used a Micromax device but it has a good firm in the Indian market due to their low costing.

Sony with 10 % and HTC, being a powerful company gets just 6 % simply shocking. But most shocking is LG is at the bottom of the list with just 3 % votes.
Check out my screenshot of that poll.

Source : Techtree

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